Project HEART YouTube Channel

Project HEART seeks to reach eligible persons, Jewish Holocaust victims and their heirs worldwide, who or whose families owned movable, immovable, or intangible personal property that was confiscated, looted, or forcibly sold in countries governed or occupied by the Nazi forces or Axis powers during the Holocaust era.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu's Address to Project HEART

The audiovisual address of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Project HEART includes translated captions that can be activated once playing by clicking the menu button "CC" located on the bottom right of the video player.

With some versions of Adobe Flash Player, video captions cannot be viewed.  If you cannot view the video caption, please click here to update Adobe Flash Player.

Introduction to the Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce

©2013-2016 Project HEART. All Rights Reserved.
Photographs: Gift of Ruth Mermelstein, Yaffa Eliach Collection donated by the Center for Holocaust Studies, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Eric S. Morley, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A. Gift of Ronnie Hamburger Burrows, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, U.S.A.